Can a Chiropractor Help With TMJ?

From back pain to stress relief, there are numerous reasons to visit a chiropractor.

In addition to these more commonly known benefits of seeing a chiropractor, there are various other reasons to seek the professional help of a chiropractor.

For example, if you have TMJ, you may have contemplated whether a chiropractor can help with TMJ.

The short answer is yes!

Nonetheless, TMJ symptoms vary from one person to the next. For this reason, treatment plans and results may differ.

Before you contact a trusted chiropractor, keep reading to learn about TMJ, its causes, and how a chiropractor can help.

Can a Chiropractor Help With TMJ?

What is TMJ?

The temporomandibular joints, or TMJ, are joints that connect your jawbone to your skull.

The TMJ allows you to open and close your mouth as well as allow you to move your jaw side to side. These sliding hinge joints are crucial to helping you complete daily tasks like eating, swallowing, and even speaking.

With a TMJ disorder, simple movements like chewing can be painful due to any irritation of the joints in your jaw.

While the symptoms you may experience with a TMJ disorder can vary, some common symptoms include jaw tenderness, difficulty chewing, and popping in your jaw.

The Relationship Between Your Jaw and Your Spine

You may be surprised to learn that there is a close relationship between your spine and your jaw—literally! The muscles in your spine and jaw are quite close to one another.

The trigeminal nerve is a nerve that extends from the topmost vertebra and connects to muscles in your face.

The trigeminal nerve plays an important role in the movement of the jaw. It supplies sensation to the face and other facial structures. Additionally, the motor nerve supports for the muscles in your jaw that allow movement—like chewing!

So, why is this important? What role does the trigeminal nerve play in your TMJ pain? And, what does the relationship between your upper spine and jaw have to do with it?

A misalignment in your upper spine can trigger a chain reaction of events. Most likely, you will experience some discomfort and tension. Even more, the misalignment may irritate the trigeminal nerve.

Ultimately, this irritation can cause numerous health issues, including painful TMJ symptoms.

Chiropractic Care and TMJ

In the long-term, untreated TMJ disorders can cause the joint itself to function differently and even begin to wear down before it would naturally.

This condition may seem small at first, with the occasional tightness in your jaw, but as it progresses, symptoms may worsen.

To prevent the long-term damage that this untreated condition can cause, visit a chiropractor for TMJ treatment.

Overall, your chiropractor’s goal is to treat the underlying cause of your symptoms rather than only treating your symptoms.

When helping patients who experience TMJ disorders, an upper cervical chiropractor will address your spine rather than your jaw itself.

By doing so, your chiropractor will correct the misalignment in your spine with chiropractic TMJ care.

These corrections will remove the pressure your misaligned spine is putting on your trigeminal nerve. As a result, your brain and the trigeminal nerve can communicate properly, allowing your body to heal naturally.

Are you looking for the right chiropractic care for TMJ?

Contact Begin Within Family Wellness at (480) 699-3086 and receive a complimentary consultation today!