


Personalized Chiropractic Care

With a focus on discovering the root of your problems as opposed to treating symptoms, we represent a uniquely hands-on and invested approach to restoring your health.
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Relief Care VS. Corrective Care

Relief care is concerned with relieving symptoms. Corrective care is focused on finding and correcting the cause of spine and health problems.  Relief care is like filling a flat tire with air while Corrective care fixes or patches the tire. Relief care can get you by for a little while; meanwhile the damage continues to get worse unless something is done to fix it.   Corrective Wellness Chiropractic Care gives you what you need in order to make lasting changes.

Most patients consult our office because they have an ache or a pain. Their goal’? Relief. That’s our first objective.

A thorough examination reveals areas of spinal dysfunction. Then, we offer a care plan designed to give you the best results in the shortest amount of time.

Visits are frequent during this period of intensive care. Each visit builds on the ones before, so keep your appointments to get the best results.

When you’re feeling better, you have a decision to make. Will you continue with the care necessary to fully heal soft tissues? Or abandon the investment that you’ve made so far?

When you continue your care, visits are less frequent, and progress will be less dramatic. If you end your care before fully healing muscles and soft tissues, you can invite a relapse. Whatever your choice, we’re here to serve and help support you in your decision

Your health affects everything you do and everyone you know. With so many people depending on you, it makes sense to invest in your health.

A program of chiropractic checkups can help you be the caring parent, the loving spouse, the understanding friend, or the dependable employee.

Invest in your health. You’re worth it!

Your First Visit To Begin Within Family Wellness


Dr. Collins will meet with you to discuss your health needs and goals and provide an initial exam. At this point, if the decision to further pursue care is made, x-rays will also be taken.


Dr. Collins will create a customized plan of care. After he reviews your x-rays and carefully considering your individual needs.


Dr. Collins a personalized treatment plan. Once this plan has been reviewed, You can begin treatment right away with your initial adjustment.

begin your journey

What To Expect at Your First Visit

You’ll meet the doctor after filling out some brief paperwork describing your, your health history and your health goals.  In this initial consultation we’ll get to know one another and you’ll learn more about our chiropractic methods.

If you’re a good candidate for chiropractic care and we think we can help, we’ll conduct a more thorough examination.  We’ll study the ways you turn and bend, and even test your reflexes.  These and other physical, orthopedic and chiropractic tests help us locate areas of your spine that could be a problem.

Initial Meeting (or Consultation)

Dr Collins will meet with you to discuss your health needs and goals and provide an initial exam. At this point, if the decision to further pursue care is made, x-rays will also be taken.

Will I Receive Medication for my Pain?

No. Chiropractors don’t dispense drugs because we rely on nature methods. If we discover that your health needs may be better served by another practitioner, we will be sure to give you the necessary recommendation.

From Our Patients